Most commonly asked questions in Interviews related to C programming.

These questions can be asked from any fresher to Experienced C , Embedded C programmer. I will be adding more questions whenever I will come across.

1. Implement circular buffer .And think about if multiple process is accessing that then how u will maintain the same.Think about semaphore and mutex in this case.
2. Print last node to first node in single link list. ( Hint: By using recursion. )
3. How can you print singly linked list in reverse order? (it's a huge list and you cant use recursion)
4. How can you find out if there is a loop in a very long list?
5. Find the bit change between two character if a function with char as a argument is getting called after every 5 second.
6. Whats the simples way to check if the sum of two unsigned integers has resulted in an overflow.
7. Give a one-line C expression to test whether a number is a power of 2. [No loops allowed - it's a simple test.]
Answer would be : if (x && !(x & (x-1)) == 0)
8. Big endian and little endian.
9. Memory Layout in C
10. Scope and storage classes in C
11. Reverse each bit in a number.
12. Volatile qualifier and it's use.
13. Callback function..
14. Difference between process and thread.
15. Difference between semaphore and mutex.
16. Use of header guard.
17. What is condition variable. and it's use.
18. Multithreading.
19. Structure padding.
20. const int * const a; kind of thing you have to clear what thing we can change and what not.........
21. What is structure and what is union? Where you will use what? any application based examples?
22. Some questions on output related to union manipulation. (Test your C skills and Exploring C may help)
23. Delete nth position from a linked list, provided head and position number. Consider all conditions

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